Fox News (x) / out of control - sample,
NY Post,
Newsmax (@ executive level),
InfoWars / Alex Jones (100% compromised),
OANN (?) / very likely yes,
David Icke (?) / this I find hard to believe, if someone knows more please let me know. If someone has met him personally, message me.
And more (parler? quackquack?)
who do you trust besides (-Q-) and POTUS?
Doing something which might be important a bit down the line, so please contribute if you're so inclined. Welcome all suggestions/opinions/debates.
There's a lot of existing tools that deal with webs/chains of trust, used for things like SSL certificates and other crypto related stuff primarily. The premise being that once you designate someone as trustworthy, who they say is trustworthy also becomes so in your estimation (to a lesser extent), and so on down the line.
I could see a system like this fitting up against media info & disinfo agents like a glove.. if you assume a General Flynn and POTUS are trustworthy for example, and then start to mesh out from that point.
With that paradigm I think the various Q reporters, analysers and researchers would rank very highly. By contrast media would not rate a mention anywhere.. what trust does any group have who have lied consistently? But this can still be valuable - if a group is reliably unreliable, then wise people would perhaps place a trust score on the inverted meaning of whatever CNN say about any given topic. If they swear something is safe/legal, then you can probably be quite sure its likely dangerous and criminal etc.