I'm an actor based in WeHo. Been on a few network shows now but everything has gone to shit with the China flu so I started writing and shooting my own stuff. I'm not hellbent on subs and views right now its more just a creative outlet. I'd like to take it to the next level though in the new year and I'd love to put a collective together where we get a small group of like minded artist/pede/patriot/free thinker types where we write, shoot, edit, create our own shit that goes against what has become of corporate lame ass leftist globalist woke Hollywood. You'd be surprised how many big names are actually patriots but are afraid they'll lose their careers if they speak on it. Well my career ain't shit yet so if ya ain't got nothin ya got nothin to lose so I wanna take em on. Fuck it, they're vulnerable, let's make a move and maybe we can eventually infiltrate them like the left has infiltrated every other damn thing in American culture. As Andrew Breitbart famously said, "Politics is downstream from culture."
I wanna be pirates that prey upon the weakness of Hollywood, I wanna be the new punk rock, rebels, bad boys etc. A few examples of channels who are kind of onto what I have in mind are Ryan Long, Barricade Garage, Salty Cracker, Paul Joseph Watson, Awaken with JP, Styxhexenhammer and even Pool and Crowder and more. I wanna do skits, shorts, features, podcasts, news, series, conspiracy rabbit holes, docs etc etc whatever we feel like working on. For example I live around the corner from where Ed Buck used to live and I'd love to go deep on him and the corruption in weho and how it took two dead black dudes and a third od'ing before they arrested him. Anyone interested hit me up on here or my ig - malooch. Link to my YT channel is below.
By the way for months after Buck was arrested someone was leaving a "Q" on the light pole outside his place and it made me smile every time I walked by