Thanks fren! I never really considered it hard work or due diligence...more just presenting my autism in public. I only recently started doing anything other than lurking here. I've never had and will never have a twitter, and only get on facebook when absolutely necessary, so it feels good to hear you say that. I may not be on the public battlefield, bringing truth to normies, but maybe I can actually do so vicariously through other users here.
Always considered myself more of a midnight rider than a digital soldier and only started planefagging yesterday lol. I guess I'll try and keep it up!
Nice to finally have another Q community that has the same energy that reddit/r/greatawakening did back before it was nuked from orbit. All of the other ones, like other Q related subs and that one Voat, have felt like they were either honeypots, or trying to make the movement look bad. I'm grateful that we have mods here that don't allow the place to be overrun with JFKposting and "Intercepted light-messages reveal Q movement spiritual awakening will finally prepare us for alien contact" type stuff. Gross.
Thanks fren! I never really considered it hard work or due diligence...more just presenting my autism in public. I only recently started doing anything other than lurking here. I've never had and will never have a twitter, and only get on facebook when absolutely necessary, so it feels good to hear you say that. I may not be on the public battlefield, bringing truth to normies, but maybe I can actually do so vicariously through other users here.
Always considered myself more of a midnight rider than a digital soldier and only started planefagging yesterday lol. I guess I'll try and keep it up!
Nice to finally have another Q community that has the same energy that reddit/r/greatawakening did back before it was nuked from orbit. All of the other ones, like other Q related subs and that one Voat, have felt like they were either honeypots, or trying to make the movement look bad. I'm grateful that we have mods here that don't allow the place to be overrun with JFKposting and "Intercepted light-messages reveal Q movement spiritual awakening will finally prepare us for alien contact" type stuff. Gross.