So legit question what proves that QAnon is actually real? I've not seen anything that Q has said come to pass. The month of the December will likely be no different. Or will it? Explain.
EDIT: Also, why are some of you saying there's no proof needed while others are trying your hardest to provide just that? Which is it?
to be fair it wasnt Q who had me thinking there are satanic pedophiles in the world, thats not exactly a new development, but your missing the point, PROOF was never a part of the deal of following Q. If thats what you want, the best youll find is proof Q has some connection to Trumps team, whether hes right about things is for either time to tell or you to discern through digging.
I like talking to people who dont believe Q and the same trend is that they heard about Qanon from the media or someone elses opinion and want to look at it through that angle that Q is a leaker.
Leaking would be pretty illegal for a Q intel wouldnt it? So what other methods to bypass media are necessary. Socrates was a smart dude. I believe intel is buried in the complexity of Qposts however, on the surface all it is, is breadcrumbs of mostly public info, pointing out areas that people who do the digging will focus on. Then the digs surface through various supressed means.\
Questions with no answers, thats not leaking info. Understanding the purpose of Q- and the anon process will better your understanding of Q. Rather then saying he must prove info cuz some radical follower predicts something incorrect.
"Disinformation was necessary" was an early Qpost I never forgot, dont trust everything Q posts, the only proof is what you discover to be true.
It would be illegal to just say things outright, but wouldn't it be equally concerning if someone was leaking information that led people to the same conclusions? And if Q's posts don't do that, literally what is the point? Like I said, you don't have to be a Q follower to know that not everything the media says is true.
The "disinformation was necessary" honestly just seems like an attempt to cover his ass. Which is more likely: that Q is a government insider who's trying to keep a supposedly all-powerful government off him while trying to leak information (via clues) to the public or that Q is a liar, not a government insider, and he's just saying that to stop people from saying he was lying (because he was)?
well just to play along, one interesting thing i noticed was the phrase "Nothing Can Stop What is Coming" - posted in Nov 2018, nothing more then a phrase to me at the time. Fast Forward to election 2020 NCWIS - becomes relevant and Q reminds us this was not just a catchphrase. Whoever Q is, that's an interesting release of info 2 years before its relevancy, like many other posts that all point to 2020 election time.
Feel free to tell me how that it doesnt matter, the CISA director Chris Krebs and another official was ousted by Trump recently. Possibly Q knew this was going to occur or maybe hes just really lucky.