Anybody have any information on the 16 pointed star? Vergina Star.
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Removed. Off topic. Way, way, WAY off topic. This WIN will not become a conspiracy site. Our mission is to red-pill normies. That means we maintain a TIGHT Q focus. Please keep posts and submissions on-Q. Thank you for understanding.
I would honestly, really really enjoy for you to explain to me, how doing research on the CIA logo origins, isn't related to Q anon, considering Q asks questions like
-who sent them -who sent the ones who sent them -who really sent them\
digging into history of one of the most corrupt organizartions in history which has been delcared an enemy of the people seems like the incredibly logical thing to do. but yet, i guess youd rather have posts regarding air traffic, and 82nd training exercises, and John Podesta talking about aliens...
Its literally the CIA logo...