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I haven't seen any reports at all on MSM showing that the American Medical Association has declared HCQ safe and Effective as of TODAY 12-15-2020 and could have saved 126,000 lives. They are insidious Bastards and lie by omission. NY Gov. should be charged with murder, he was the first to block it's use even by Doctors.
Didn't Fredo use HCQ when he had the virus? I think his wife also took diluted bleach orally.
I likely will do the opposite of anything g medicine declares for now.
HCQ is the cure. Trump isn’t an idiot and there’s a reason he touted it so much in the beginning. On top of that, it’s obviously effective since all the wrong people were against it. Tells you all you need to know.
If you reject hqc you reject one of the most versatile compounds thaT ever existed. I er 100 things it helps including it can kill lung cancer cells. My wife a medical scientist has procured u 100 doses.
Vaccine is code word for arrest IMO. Rolling out military teams for the vaccine, aka arrest as the EO enters effect.
Vaccine is code for arrest due to the hidden enemy, not the seen one.
One of the worst blunders one can do with the military is use them for work that they just arent suited. Like trying to run policing in kandahar. Or anything medical for that matter. Besides being ineffective and costly and waste time, it puts people in harms way to no real end.
It makes no sense for them to have anything to do with vaccine distributing, they arent a freight or logistics company! On other other hand getting them positioned for lightning strikes against traitors and enemies is right in their ballpark. God give them all wild and complete success in their mission.
Nobody does humanitariN medical work like the u.s. military. That isn't what they'll be doing however me thinks. Blunder? I think not.
Thats my point.. yes they have engineers, and comms specialists, and quartermasters, and crypto guys, and medics, and weapon platform designers, and supply-chain geniuses.. all of which are important but arent central to the mission of the military. Which is in a nutshell blowing stuff up and laying waste to the enemy.
So going on the offensive is exactly what I think they will be doing.