Pay attention folks. This is going to be a historical day? I will be there. Focus on BIG picture. He has already won the election. That part is done! The elimination of evil is well, well underway. You will be shocked with how much is done and has been for some time.
If you can get there, do it. You WILL be disappointed if you don't.
“Hang out and watch others run things” is exactly how to get us where we were with Obama.. The plan always has been to get us informed enough that we get off the couch and get involved.
Just a few extra phone calls, emails, or letters to your local politicians has an effect.. The big swamp monsters (like HRC, Brennan, etc) can only really be taken down when the swamp lemmings can no longer operate without us constantly watching and influencing what they do. It really is a domino effect that starts with us being aware.. getting involved at the local level.. and realizing that we cannot ever let ourselves sit idle again.
The local level also helps build better unity since party politics is not the main focus when things like how a school district spends money or how land is developed are being discussed. Trump vs evil is a hard argument to win with a random person.. but local city problems and solutions can be discussed with civility that allows for opening in higher level talk.
Pretty sure team Trump already won. Plenty of acknowledgments over the last few days. This is likely to be sealing the deal (mass arrest of high profile public figures) as well as a celebration of victory.
To show numbers not a call to arms (that's why Trump put his post up about no martial law). This way mainstream media can't say we are protesting Trump/turning on him or saying we are overthrowing the government for Trump but showing a protest of support and putting pressure on Republicans/Rhinos to do the right thing. If Antifa is a legit concern to them...think how they will feel if they betray patriots. A betral is way worse! People that are mentally capable of thought and ready to protect their home/family being betrayed VS mentally ill self absorbed people getting paid??!!!
I feel this is the final reveal of who is for the American People.... traitors in the elctor college will be revealed for us to see.
Pay attention folks. This is going to be a historical day? I will be there. Focus on BIG picture. He has already won the election. That part is done! The elimination of evil is well, well underway. You will be shocked with how much is done and has been for some time.
If you can get there, do it. You WILL be disappointed if you don't.
You sir get an updoot as you are on point.
Handshake and first post, interesting....
“Hang out and watch others run things” is exactly how to get us where we were with Obama.. The plan always has been to get us informed enough that we get off the couch and get involved.
Just a few extra phone calls, emails, or letters to your local politicians has an effect.. The big swamp monsters (like HRC, Brennan, etc) can only really be taken down when the swamp lemmings can no longer operate without us constantly watching and influencing what they do. It really is a domino effect that starts with us being aware.. getting involved at the local level.. and realizing that we cannot ever let ourselves sit idle again.
The local level also helps build better unity since party politics is not the main focus when things like how a school district spends money or how land is developed are being discussed. Trump vs evil is a hard argument to win with a random person.. but local city problems and solutions can be discussed with civility that allows for opening in higher level talk.
Pretty sure team Trump already won. Plenty of acknowledgments over the last few days. This is likely to be sealing the deal (mass arrest of high profile public figures) as well as a celebration of victory.
Your characterization is lazy.
It's not even worthy of a "nice try".
You can take a Donkey to the top of the Rim, or you can take the Tram. It is the same price..
To show numbers not a call to arms (that's why Trump put his post up about no martial law). This way mainstream media can't say we are protesting Trump/turning on him or saying we are overthrowing the government for Trump but showing a protest of support and putting pressure on Republicans/Rhinos to do the right thing. If Antifa is a legit concern to them...think how they will feel if they betray patriots. A betral is way worse! People that are mentally capable of thought and ready to protect their home/family being betrayed VS mentally ill self absorbed people getting paid??!!!
I feel this is the final reveal of who is for the American People.... traitors in the elctor college will be revealed for us to see.