When looking over so much information I wondered where all these "Peaceful" protestors came from, seemed like a lot more than average unless you are in jail. So;
Seems Soros/Antifa/BLM has done some recruiting from the publicly available sex offender lists. Many arrested violent peaceful protestors had been on those lists.
Why were so many Dem controlled Cities/States so anxious to empty out their prisons of even violent repeat offenders "due to covid risk". NYC is empty!
Why are almost all Dem controlled AG's releasing arrested creeps without bail, almost as fast as they are arrested.
In the hard hit fraud Cities a majority of ballot counters also belong or are affiliated with the ACLU. It only takes a few trained creeps to amp up a mob into doing stupid shit. Mob rule/group think.
Why so eager to defund and stymie all Dem controlled police departments. At this point I know there is much more, but this shows to me it is an organized, somewhat trained, and well funded operation.
One more...where did the 10.6 Billion Dollars donated to BLM go? Be Alert Frens, it may be a very bumpy ride ahead, May God Bless DJT &USA.
Remember, Trump's special ops people have infiltrated all levels of BLM and Antifa.
Ex-criminals and sex offenders can't get real jobs.
So when they find out about getting $400 to "protest" for a day they take it.
A democrzt protest is nothing but a "March of the Pedos"