bubble_bursts 4 points ago +4 / -0

If you want some date fagging i would offer Aug 12

bubble_bursts 4 points ago +4 / -0

Got a brilliant idea. Lets do "fire action site". You bid a certain amount to fire someone, and they have to outbid you to save themselves!

bubble_bursts 3 points ago +3 / -0

Precipice will come before elections, so I would say all disclosures, including J6.

bubble_bursts 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are absolutely right fren. I searched for Kamala and KH, completely forgot Harris. Thanks for catching it.

bubble_bursts 3 points ago +3 / -0

I havent heard that name in a long time and I hope I dont hear it for a long time.

bubble_bursts 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks fren. When I first came up with my Assassination Optics theory it was still very hazy, but its starting to get clearer by the day.

bubble_bursts 15 points ago +15 / -0

Take care my fren, the only advice I can give you is that, while this feels crazy right now, you might find yourself looking back at this moment and think this is the best thing that ever happened to you.

Try to use this opportunity to free yourself in every possible way. I think you are already on the right path in your thinking, and I hope you get to live your life to the fullest doing whatever you have always wanted to do but couldnt because life gets in the way.

bubble_bursts 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can see a lot of TV shows in the past have had "soft disclosures" sprinkled alongside the BH programming

bubble_bursts 1 point ago +1 / -0

When the first bank updates your credit report as dilinquent, I would expect it to have repercussions on your other banks.

bubble_bursts 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am not entirely sure if the VP can use it, if the ticket changes completely.

bubble_bursts 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not really. Almost all of that time they did it behind the shadows with atleast 3 levels of separation. Only once they got too close to being exposed but they turned it around to their own advantage.

This time, is the first time since Jesus, that the Synagogue of Satan is sitting there fully naked for everyone to see.

bubble_bursts 2 points ago +2 / -0

When you have allowed yourself to be compromised by too many people, you are pretty much useless as a loyal puppet.

bubble_bursts 3 points ago +3 / -0

The problem is not even that. The biggest problem they have is that all their Cabal factions cannot unite behind on candidate or even one agenda. The Q team has fractured them beyond salvage.

bubble_bursts 1 point ago +1 / -0

First thing to do to combat any of these things is to find authentic sauce that he did say these things, and the full context. Without that, you are fighting ghosts.

bubble_bursts 2 points ago +2 / -0

You should consider making a post of this. Its interesting and also ties in with this comment as well.

bubble_bursts 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your scenario, however absurd it may seem, is actually quite plausible. Infact, its gonna be something like this that can take us to the Precipice.

August timeline lines up with two different things.

August 12 = End of Olympics = Trump said China will attack Taiwan after Olympics (in 2020)

August 12 also is the delta for the Alex Soros "Trump hit" tweet.

I had made a comment recently that in the end they will be forced to burn through all the candidates until they come back to Biden - because he is the one at the center of all the corruptions that at the precipice he needs to be at the helm, except for Hillary since WW3 was supposed to be her baby.

We are also lining up for U1 disclosures - Assange released, ties to Seth Rich and Awan, ties to U1 and Israel.

"Saving Israel for the Last" because Zionists are the ones orchestrating the WW3.

Before China can bomb Taiwan, US needs to bomb Iran and Netanyahu is setting it up (and Trump pretends to go along with it) right at this moment.

Everything is lining up. Still not sure of the timing for Hillary though. I think they will bring all their candidates lined up one after one, and each one demolished until in the end they are forced to rally behind Hillary.

bubble_bursts 4 points ago +4 / -0

After I redpilled my brother, he started telling me that this show (which he has been a big fan of for years now) might be related to Q because its essentially about an AI that used by the good guys to cleanup the world.

bubble_bursts 1 point ago +1 / -0

Most of those polls are fake. Real black people who woke up to Trump are exactly the same ones who dont fall for this crap.

But the real problem for Kabala is not even this - its the fact that there is so much dirt on her from the past that when the time is right, it will be matter of seconds to throw her under the bus.

The whole thing is about timing. WHs are doing this strategically to make sure the Cabal puppets are forced to expend all their ammunition within the next 4 months and end up with nothing - forcing them to deploy their final moves very prematurely.

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