The people you see on TV news, writers & editors at newspapers & magazines, producers and executives are ALL compromised and controlled by the deep state cabal otherwise they would not have risen to a place of prominence in the MSM and be trusted to bring you all the vile lies that POTUS refers to as Fake News. They have ALL committed and witnessed deviant criminal abuse of children. Their blind ambition, greed and appetite for evilness has allowed them to sellout to the satanic cabal.
These people are 100% controlled across the 6 major corporations (and all the corporate sponsors) that bring you 95% of the news you see and read. That is why you hear the same phrases across many networks on the same day - "the walls are closing in on Trump", "Biden leads Trump by 12%", etc. It is a controlled echo chamber designed to make you believe their lies because you heard it from multiple sources. They lie about everything - COVID-19, HCQ, vaccines, Bill Gates, Fauci, masks, case and death stats, hospitals are overrun, climate change, WH is in chaos, collusion with Russia, etc. It is also a matter of what they do not investigate and report - pedophilia, child abuse, compromised judges, DAs, cops, central banksters financially strangling us, political corruption, corporate lobbying, voter fraud, "unsolved" crimes (Seth Rich, Sean Lucas, Vince Foster), missing children statistics, etc.
You say, that sounds like a conspiracy theory. Where is the proof? It is a conspiracy but it is not a theory. The proof is that these child trafficking and child abuse networks exist and have flourished on the internet in recent decades (Wayfair, Amazon, Esty) and not one person at one MSM news network has been willing to initiate investigative reporting of child trafficking, child porn and pedophilia. They sometimes have very superficial reporting after the pedophile has been arrested by the police. But they do not attack the problem in a meaningful way because they are involved and compromised. In fact, most often they are the first to cry "conspiracy theory" and provide cover for the perpetrators (i.e. James Alefantis at Comet Ping Pong).
They are all hooked on adrenochrome. They must have it and are willing to do anything to get it. Well, there is only one way to get it. You have to terrorize and kill a child to get it. So that is why this epidemic of child trafficking, pedophilia and killing continues unreported.
And it is not just the MSM and politicians that are on this adrenochrome junket. All of Hollywood, most major music and performance artists, judges (right up to the Supreme Court), police chiefs, mayors, Governors, state attorneys, CEOs of all major corporations, University presidents and tenured faculty professors, school board superintendents, the list goes on.
Not sure of thee extent of it yet but one thing I do know. There would be a lot of money in extensive real reporting on things like the NXVIM trial or Epstein's Island. Two regular guys actually got on a boat and went to Epstein's Island. Very strange and intriguing stuff there, the kind of intrigue that sells and makes lots and lots of money. Crickets from the MSM. The door on the Temple at Epstein's Island isn't really a door, it's painted on. To look like a door to anyone looking on Google Earth, for example. The tennis court isn't a tennis court, either. So why would someone or some group of people turn down a golden opportunity to make so much money? Because they don't want people to learn the truth about what goes on among the "elite." It's the only explanation that makes any sense.
IMO it's not so much what they talk about, it's what they don't talk about. Why no press on the massive expansion of the despised "GITMO." You think they'd be chomping at the bit to expose Trump's blatant disregard of their distain for the hated Islamophobic torture facility. Crickets. That's not about the money. That's about the fact that even thinking about GITMO leaves them scared to death and literally speechless.
As witnessed at Trump’s townhall, savannah Guthrie let her demon slip when talking about the cabal’s peodphilia.
And they flaunt it. As Q pointed out, Symbolism will be their downfall. I fear for the sanity of the general public when their heroes and icons are revealed for who they are and what they did, and are paraded in front of the masses. I guessing I may even be shocked at just who participates in this evil.
I know it sounds insane but supposedly the Hollywood death and arrest list is from military court records on deep web. I don’t go there so maybe some of you digital warriors that dig there can confirm. When you see people on this list still appearing on tv and apparently walking around, it’s even harder to believe they could be stand in look a likes, cgi deep fakes, or even clones. Take it with a grain of salt but here’s an article on it. It is very interesting that Hollywood has been pretty quiet during this election. Where are all of the usual loud mouths screaming for Trump to concede? That alone tells me that this list may have some validity.
I thought the exact same thing about the clones and cgi. The voices are their own, that's the part that throws me off. But people will be in for a shock when the lists are revealed or arrests are made public
It doesn't sound insane at all. COVID-19 is a perfect cover. House arrests disguised as self quarantine, testing positive for COVID-19, etc. Not to mention the face masks. No one would ask twice about it. Even if they did, an operation like this would have a cover for plausible deniability. Like them still appearing on TV and apparently walking around for instance. Mostly doubles and CGI fakes which people have noticed and pointed out in their photos. The others just people they haven't executed. The fringe stuff particularly is about having plausible deniability in case the news leaked out.