MilitaryJustice 3 points ago +3 / -0

Next steps:

  • Biden resigns as POTUS, gets removed or dies and Kamala becomes POTUS
  • Big Mike is appointed VPOTUS
  • Kamala accepts cabal loot bag & resigns and Big Mike becomes POTUS
  • Hillary is appointed VPOTUS
  • Trump defeats Obama-Clinton in a landslide
  • Everyone goes to GITMO
MilitaryJustice 2 points ago +2 / -0
  • Deep state cabal (Rothschilds, banksters)
  • Democrats (Obamas, Clintons, Bidens, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer)
  • CIA
  • FBI
  • USSS
  • Antifa
  • and others
MilitaryJustice 8 points ago +8 / -0

The main problem is that this is a political hit ordered by the Bidens, facilitated by the USSS, FBI and CIA (and others). There were definitely:

  • multiple shooters
  • "hold-your-fire" orders given by USSS to its counter snipers
  • compromised advance security plan allowing a rooftop at 135 yds to be outside the security perimeter
  • inadequate aerial security (no drones, no helicopters)
  • purposefully disconnected communications systems, turned off recordings
  • unmanned high points (AGR roof top, water tower)
  • no crime scene pictures of dead patsy's face or bullet casings. Quick removal of body and hosing down the roof by the FBI.
  • denial of requests for additional security

This is not a failure of security - it is a failed assassination operation by the DS Left Wing lunatics and their co-conspirators in the 3-letter agencies. It is very similar to the JFK murder in 1963 except that they failed to kill their target.

MilitaryJustice 11 points ago +12 / -1

The WH could well have ordered the hit. There is more to come on this for sure.

I am of the opinion that this was a planned, organized (by the DS cabal) multi-shooter hit designed to kill Trump and then be pinned on the patsy (Crooks).

I think it failed due to God's protection of Trump and they IMMEDIATELY whacked the patsy, cleaned the roof and removed his body so he couldn't tell his story.

We'll see how this story evolves but it looks very similar on the surface to the JFK murder.

MilitaryJustice 1 point ago +1 / -0

Let's get a few things straight Handshake:

  • I never said every crime is treason, I said:

If it could ever be shown that the assassination attempt was planned and that Cheatle played a role in it, she would undoubtedly face treason charges.

This situation is not the same as the Reagan situation although they are trying desperately to peddle the "lone wolf" narrative so as to remove the planning and conspiracy aspects of the assassination attempt.

If texts, emails and other communications can show that there was planning, financing and support for a multi shooter assassination attempt on Trump which then would be pinned on the patsy (Crooks), everyone involved in the conspiracy will face Treason charges IMHO.

To me this is very similar to the JFK assassination in many ways and only by the grace of God did it not result in Trump's death.

MilitaryJustice 35 points ago +35 / -0

To me you have a choice of either:

  1. Real bullets, real close call on Trump, real death of Corey Comperatore

  2. Fake bullets, fake ear injury, fake death of Corey, complete psyop by WH

I'm in the #1 Real bullets and God protected Trump camp

MilitaryJustice 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's been a crazy 10 days:

  • Trump nearly assassinated (July 13)
  • RNC (July 15 - 18)
  • Sheila Jackson died (July 19)
  • Crooked Joe steps down (and hasn't been seen since) (July 21)
  • Congressional Hearing re Kimberly Cheatle's/Secret Service's failure to protect Trump (July 22)
  • Kimberly Cheatle resigns as Director of the Secret Service (July 23)
MilitaryJustice 8 points ago +8 / -0

What will it be?:

  • Masked actor
  • Green screen CGI hologram
  • AI Joe deep fake

I think Biden's dead already (conspiracy theory, I know). It's fun to watch the DS's last gasps to hold onto power. It's going to be a bumpy ride going forward - they are very desperate and very cornered.

by Raritan
MilitaryJustice 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's been a crazy 10 days:

  • Trump nearly assassinated (July 13)
  • RNC (July 15 - 18)
  • Sheila Jackson died (July 19)
  • Crooked Joe steps down (and hasn't been seen since) (July 21)
  • Congressional Hearing re Kimberly Cheatle's/Secret Service's failure to protect Trump (July 22)
  • Kimberly Cheatle resigns as Director of the Secret Service (July 23)
MilitaryJustice 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think there could well be more to come on this matter. If it could ever be shown that the assassination attempt was planned and that Cheatle played a role in it, she would undoubtedly face treason charges.

MilitaryJustice 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think there could well be more to come on this matter. If it could ever be shown that the assassination attempt was planned and that Cheatle played a role in it, she would undoubtedly face treason charges.

MilitaryJustice 2 points ago +2 / -0

The cabal's greed, lust for power and allegiance to satan drives their destructive agenda and behavior. They do not have a scintilla of decency, morality or godliness. It is no wonder that the world is in the mess that it is in. The only way to redemption is to turn back to God. Sadly most of those in positions of power have sold their souls to the devil. The Lord's Judgement Day is coming soon.

MilitaryJustice 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wish that when these smack-talking people delete their stupid comments (in this case ozthentic called me a name caller and said "I feel sorry for you") that their user name would remain so the others would know who it is that deleted their comment.

For the record, I called Phil Godlewski a clown-tard because he is a clown-tard and when I linked to the proof suddenly my accuser (ozthentic) deletes his comment. I just wish that his user name remained so that everyone would know who it was that deleted their inappropriate comment.

MilitaryJustice 1 point ago +1 / -0

Big Mike is warming up in the bullpen - the starter (Biden) has been pulled (he was out of gas), the 'guy' that's not good enough to be a starter or a closer (Kamala) has come out to pitch a few innings before the closer (Big Mike) is brought out to finish the game. The Manager is Barack Hussein Obama.

MilitaryJustice 4 points ago +4 / -0

Phil Godlewski is a convicted felon Corruption of a minor (sex with a 15 year old girl) and Writing a bad check - do a little research on him.

You do not need to feel sorry for me (I do my research).

MilitaryJustice 8 points ago +8 / -0

Could be - but my money is on a Big Mike - Hillary ticket.

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