? Hello, oh ye of many (gf) baked goods! Great to see you here, too! I just made a comment on another thread that it's probably a good thing all us eggs are in multiple baskets, instead of just one! I like visiting the different sites.
I love my gf shake-n-bake recipe, punched it up with some extra seasoning. I used to mix one envelope each of chicken, pork, and pretzel. And thanks to you, I will be going online tomorrow to learn about air fryers. What brand do you have? What do you like/don't like about it? I wonder how hard it is to make gf tempura batter ?. I read the recipe for gf pretzel buns and threw in the towel on those. We like stuff that is simple, quick, and easy to make. Funny coming from two people who had careers in restaurants! Maybe that's why. ?
Oh, so that's what that meant! I thought you were just a stealthy baker. ? Looks like I'm going to have to get one as I have a box of frozen gf cc cookie dough in the freezer (told ya we were lazy cooks)!
? Hello, oh ye of many (gf) baked goods! Great to see you here, too! I just made a comment on another thread that it's probably a good thing all us eggs are in multiple baskets, instead of just one! I like visiting the different sites.
lol ! love GF now.
I love my gf shake-n-bake recipe, punched it up with some extra seasoning. I used to mix one envelope each of chicken, pork, and pretzel. And thanks to you, I will be going online tomorrow to learn about air fryers. What brand do you have? What do you like/don't like about it? I wonder how hard it is to make gf tempura batter ?. I read the recipe for gf pretzel buns and threw in the towel on those. We like stuff that is simple, quick, and easy to make. Funny coming from two people who had careers in restaurants! Maybe that's why. ?
ninja ! its amaze balls. made choc chip cookies with the air fryer. OHH MY GOD !
Oh, so that's what that meant! I thought you were just a stealthy baker. ? Looks like I'm going to have to get one as I have a box of frozen gf cc cookie dough in the freezer (told ya we were lazy cooks)!