Today I walked into the mega grocery store where I’ve been maskless shopping for 10 years. They hunted me down an aisle and told me to leave. I wanted to buy just one thing and my friend put on her mask and tried to check out. The “Karen” told us bc we didn’t put on the mask in the aisle when she told us to we couldn’t buy anything. Ok, we should’ve just left but I lost my shit. I raised my voice, swore, and attracted attention. I yelled Fuck You Mega Grocery Mart on my way out. This was woman to woman bad behavior so I don’t think I scared anyone.
Not my proudest moment. I called corporate and announced my permanent boycott politely but Let’s be real; they don’t care. I’m losing everywhere I shop to mask requirements. No one sees it my way. I have a very small niche of places I can go now.
If there is a mark of the beast that literally restricts you. This is what it will be like. In summer, I am able to grow much food and don’t need the mega mart but this time of year I need those a holes. Thank God Aldi still lets me in.
Thanks for listening.
I would have acted the same way. Being a human capable of independent, critical thought is nothing to be ashamed of Ma'am. It is frustrating beyond all belief that people can just go along with things, not educate themselves with objective, scientific study. As soon as all this nonsense started here in March, the first thing I did was went outside, hooked up my tillage equipment and tilled. Things were going well until I lost quite a bit to fungus and salt burn from a tropical storm. It's alright though as I found out there was a HUGE glass shortage. Couldn't get pallets of half gallons anywhere until October, too late. So I did what I could and still have plenty. Most of the time I honestly just think about making a mockery of the stupidity. Throw on my spray suit, booties and rebreather and walk around. I think even today it will draw a few looks. Nothing short of a positive pressure suit can stem the transmission, doesn't work out for immunology however. Stay safe out there.
Great moniker. LOL.