posted ago by MilitaryJustice ago by MilitaryJustice +36 / -0

What is different this time? and why we should be concerned:

  • The MSM is pushing the vax non-stop. Why? because they are so concerned about our health? NO, the NWO agenda is to track and control us with their nano bot implanted technology (look it up).
  • They are showing many high profile people getting the vax (Pence, Pelosi, Biden). Why? They think we are lemmings - con job.
  • There have been several instances of fake vaccinations (needle behind the arm, plunger already down, etc). Why? More big lies to sell their sinister plans.
  • Why are the MSM and Big Tech suppressing/censoring the worldwide medical practitioners who say the vaccine is neither safe or effective?
  • Who would inject a poisonous cocktail of pathogens, carcinogens, aluminium, formaldehyde, aborted fetal tissue, mRNA and Luciferase into their body to prevent a disease that has a death rate of .01% to .05% (depending on age)?

CV-19 is a global hoax. Masks, lockdowns and vaccinations are NOT necessary. Support Trump or die!!