Gohmert sat in for Hannity today and interviewed Powell in the 5:00 hour. She said one thing that caught my attention. In her opinion, President Trump is not being well served by his legal counsel because they were not correctly informing him that he has the legal standing to use the insurrection act....
Comments (18)
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Legally it is a choice and DJT knows it. Might not be a good choice if used before seeing if Pence has success first. DJT is trying to not have violence or at least trying to minimize it. I think he sure will use it if necessary. Some of his staff may have either burned out or jumped ship mentally. (maybe they were creeps all along) May God Bless DJT and USA.
I agree about not watching faux news on TV, but Louie was on the radio broadcast of Hannity on the 22nd, due to Sean being on vacation.
This was on the RADIO show....
Please grab a chuck of reality and hang on to it tightly. Also take the time and make an effort to improve your reading comprehension skills....The interview involved Louie Gohmert and Sydney Powell on the Hannity Radio Show during the 5:00 E.S.T. broadcast hour.
Of course he has legal standing and probably WILL use it which is why Nancy is trying to strip that legal standing away from him in her new pork bill.
Sydney Powell is honestly hot as fuck
I’d grab her by the pussy.
...you kraken....
I stopped watching FNN on election night. I get snippets here and there from patriots.
This was on the RADIO show....
fox news is a worthless piece of excrement. I would not give them the time of day at this point. I wonder why the people there don't just bail on them and go to another network. is a contract really worth it if you can't speak the truth?
Radio show