lovecymru 6 points ago +6 / -0

One of the best Sunday Funnies! Thanks Uncle_Fester

lovecymru 7 points ago +7 / -0

Five activists from the environmental group Just Stop Oil have been sentenced to prison after conspiring to create gridlock on the M25 highway in London.

Roger Hallam, Daniel Shaw, Louise Lancaster, Lucia Whittaker De Abreu and Cressida Gethin were found guilty last week of conspiracy to cause a public nuisance for coordinating protests on the M25 in November 2022. Hallam received a five-year sentence, while the others were sentenced to four years.

The activists reportedly had a Zoom call in which they attempted to recruit more volunteers for a blockade at strategic spots on the motorway. During the call, Hallam stated their intention to cause "the biggest disruption in British modern history" to pressure the UK government into ending new oil and gas exploration in the North Sea, according to The Guardian.

These sentences are the longest ever given in the UK for a non-violent protest. Judge Christopher Hehir, who issued the sentences, stated that the activists had "crossed the line from concerned campaigner to fanatic."

“The offending of all five of you is very serious indeed and lengthy custodial sentences must follow,” Hehir determined. He acknowledged the concerns of the climate protesters but emphasized that their actions had disregarded the principles of democracy and rule of law.

“Your fanaticism makes you entirely heedless of the rights of your fellow citizens. You have taken it upon yourselves to decide that your fellow citizens must suffer disruption and harm, and how much disruption and harm they must suffer, simply so that you may parade your views,” he added.

Judge Hehir ruled that the jury should not consider evidence regarding climate change in their decision, despite the defendants' attempts to use it as a defense for their actions. The defendants also argued for leniency by pointing to the newly elected Labour government's commitment to stopping oil and gas exploration, suggesting this reduced their likelihood of reoffending. However, their arguments were unsuccessful.

Many environmental activists have criticized the sentences as too harsh. However, the judge highlighted the significant impact such protests have on the public. During the trial, evidence was presented showing that the protests caused people to miss flights, funerals, exams, medical appointments, and work, among other disruptions.


lovecymru 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe that is why rumors of Killary as a nominee. She would be pro 🇺🇦 and anti 🇷🇺

lovecymru 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wonder if all the FEMA camps that would have housed patriots if Hillary had won will now be filled with insane Libs?

lovecymru 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nessun Dorma last night and pedo ring Sheila Jackson Lee dies today 🤔

lovecymru 23 points ago +24 / -1

Ariel X account:

Rolling The Curtains On Cabal:

Remember when Gene Ho told you all on July 18th the credits will start to roll?

After Trump's speech, Opera Singer Sings “Nessun Dorma” Nessun Dorma is played at the end of the film "The Sum of All Fears", in which time all the traitors & Deep State actors were executed.

There are no coincidences people.

Now all you have to do is think about all the info Donald Trump has since becoming the RNC nominee who now has access to info regarding National Security. Then add on top of that the cybersecurity breach that reveals all the sensitive intel that connect the alphabet agencies to the Russian Collusion, 2020 Election, Covid-19, and January 6th.

None of them were counting on Donald Trump to survive the assassination attempt. Now he has all the info to put them away for life. I am pretty sure he is having meetings as we speak and will act upon that info. The 5 month transition period is in full swing.

Now ask yourself another question. Why is Donald Trump scheduled to have a phone call with Zelensky today? Do you understand the implications of this coming off the heals of the data breach with CrowdStrike? Which has its servers in Ukraine. Imagine how one sided this phone call will be.

Ukraine has already surrendered that went under the radar. It was reported last year that Ukrainian troops were surrendering in droves, Russian TASS news agency claimed, to the extent that Moscow has set up a special radio frequency so Ukrainian soldiers wishing to survive the Meat Grinder can do so safely.

Approximately 10,000 Ukrainian soldiers have surrendered to the Russians using the special 149.200 “Volga” radio frequency, which has been operating since mid-summer, TASS reported. Can you imagine that number today? So you should know how D. Trump is going to structure this call with Zelensky to get him to give up more names and locations or else.

lovecymru 9 points ago +9 / -0

The 2020 election steal didn’t cause civil war, nor raiding of Mar-A-Lago, nor 2 impeachment’s, nor mugshot, nor 34 felons, nor attempted assassination. What will they try next?

lovecymru 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dallas PD has a reputation since JFK’s assassination that can never be expunged. Kick out one bad cop and there’s still plenty more

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