posted ago by Isolated_Patriot ago by Isolated_Patriot +32 / -0

The BBC and Channel 4 (owned by the same people) are up to something gaslighty.

Their were two videos released:

Now I cannot say for sure that the first video is a deep fake, but I am very suspicious. The Queen is however, just about the single most perfect candidate for todays deep fake tech. She is an extremely controlled individual, with controlled facial and body movements at all times, and has a vast repertoire of directly head on speeches to pull data from. She keeps her head still and formal, and has very controlled and never exaggerated expressions. I don't think a more perfect source could be found.

And the second video:

Now this video is intended to be some kind of educational video on the future of deep fakes. It is one of the absolute worst DFs I have seen all year. It intentionally does all of the things a deep fake can't do. The camera angle moves and traks, the actor is not nearly as controlled in body language as the queen, it's just bad.

This all far too obvious and fake for my tastes so I payed closer attention to the first video. I cannot say it is a deep fake, but it is a bad green screen job that makes it even harder to really tell. I do however think it is entirely possible for a deep fake to be that convincing with a subject like the Queen.

So let's say that they did do a deep fake of the Queen, and then a really a crappy deep fake that looks worse than anything I've seen in the VFX industry, then decide to release them both at the same time.

Now anyone who calls out the deep fake is ridiculed for talking about the wrong video. It's genius really. It's already happening among generally suspicious right wing people. It's what led me to this, I was actually suspicious of the "real" video before I even knew about the "fake" one. Someone else called the video out and got ridiculed for talking about the wrong one.

They are pumping up the gaslighting campaign to make claiming a video is a deep fake sound like one of those "conspiracy theories" whilst simultaneously proving that deep fakes are a real thing. But now, they just convinced IDK how many people that deep fakes are still a long way off from convincing anyone by intentionally showing them the worst that the tech can do.

NPCs will be primed to believe only the videos their media overlords tell them are real, and readily accept that anything they are told is fake as fake. Event he people who already distrust the media are falling for it.

If anyone still thinks this is some kind of sick joke, they aren't going to do well in this new age of fakes, lies and video tape.