Thanks, new arrival here feeling sort of like an Irish immigrant fresh off the boat with all my worldly possessions in a bag and a few quid in my pocket. I don't intend to eulogize it, but VOAT was in interesting place. I was there ONLY because Q directed us there after the REDDIT debacle.
VOAT's strength -- the ability to post and say anything -- was also it's curse; and because of that, shills, bots, retards of all kinds, and juvenile pranksters were allowed to run free. It was sort of like trying to listening to a very serious and intellectual lecture while wild savages ran around the place screaming and snatching things from the audience.
Thanks, new arrival here feeling sort of like an Irish immigrant fresh off the boat with all my worldly possessions in a bag and a few quid in my pocket. I don't intend to eulogize it, but VOAT was in interesting place. I was there ONLY because Q directed us there after the REDDIT debacle.
VOAT's strength -- the ability to post and say anything -- was also it's curse; and because of that, shills, bots, retards of all kinds, and juvenile pranksters were allowed to run free. It was sort of like trying to listening to a very serious and intellectual lecture while wild savages ran around the place screaming and snatching things from the audience.
Thanks for the welcome.