She doesnt skirt the law, she (and all the other commie govs) distort and pervert it to fit China's plan to destroy freedom and liberty around the globe. We are experiencing a biblical separation of wheat and tares. The enemy has sown darnel among us and now its going to take the hand of God to remove it.
Thanks, I believe it's both. The Globalists want us to devour their Mass-produced , GMO, Glyphosate-soaked, High-glycemic, cancer-causing crap. "Live the good life" with McDonalds and Diet Coke! The unseen, unknown link here is how the SAD (standard american diet) is a grain-based digestion destroyer that promotes Candida Albicans overgrowth and eventually overwhelms the whole system. Unfortunately we are in the grips of this yeasty beast and the only way out is to (literally) starve it.
FWIW Livestock Ivermectin paste, and Fenbendazole helped me fast track my way off the widening road to dietary hell and also kept me immune while everyone at work came down with the ChinaFlu. The ones that got the sickest were sugar addicts who had taken the annual flu vax. Thanks to some persistent Goats I learned a few things about parasites and how the profiteering medical industry purposely turns a blind eye to it all.
God's giving us a chance to change course but something tells me big ag and fast food are winning the battle of hearts and minds while the government subsidizes high glycemic corn-based diets to the middle and lower class. Why not subsidize gym memberships? Instead of sprawling suburbs we need sprawling mega-gyms and fully functioning year-round fitness centers. People will get in shape so fast it'll make your head spin. I live in the middle of corn and soy country and the dietary fallout is nothing short of nuclear. Even our beef tastes terrible now. The parasite has overtaken the host and is showing no signs of letting up. It's interesting how microbiology affects and represents a scale model of the world on so many levels.
She doesnt skirt the law, she (and all the other commie govs) distort and pervert it to fit China's plan to destroy freedom and liberty around the globe. We are experiencing a biblical separation of wheat and tares. The enemy has sown darnel among us and now its going to take the hand of God to remove it.
Thanks, I believe it's both. The Globalists want us to devour their Mass-produced , GMO, Glyphosate-soaked, High-glycemic, cancer-causing crap. "Live the good life" with McDonalds and Diet Coke! The unseen, unknown link here is how the SAD (standard american diet) is a grain-based digestion destroyer that promotes Candida Albicans overgrowth and eventually overwhelms the whole system. Unfortunately we are in the grips of this yeasty beast and the only way out is to (literally) starve it. FWIW Livestock Ivermectin paste, and Fenbendazole helped me fast track my way off the widening road to dietary hell and also kept me immune while everyone at work came down with the ChinaFlu. The ones that got the sickest were sugar addicts who had taken the annual flu vax. Thanks to some persistent Goats I learned a few things about parasites and how the profiteering medical industry purposely turns a blind eye to it all. God's giving us a chance to change course but something tells me big ag and fast food are winning the battle of hearts and minds while the government subsidizes high glycemic corn-based diets to the middle and lower class. Why not subsidize gym memberships? Instead of sprawling suburbs we need sprawling mega-gyms and fully functioning year-round fitness centers. People will get in shape so fast it'll make your head spin. I live in the middle of corn and soy country and the dietary fallout is nothing short of nuclear. Even our beef tastes terrible now. The parasite has overtaken the host and is showing no signs of letting up. It's interesting how microbiology affects and represents a scale model of the world on so many levels.