“In his third novel, “1900; Or, The Last President,” things link eerily to the present day. The story begins with a scene from a panicked New York City in early November. It describes a “state of uproar” after an election in which an enormously opposed outsider is granted power. An outsider candidate. Sound familiar?
After the chaotic scene in NYC, we find out that the man who won the presidency is extremely wealthy and resides on 5th avenue. In case you did not know, the Trump Tower resides on 5th avenue. As crazy as this sounds, once Lockwood’s character becomes president, he began choosing people for his cabinet. One of the first people he picked was a man named Lafe Pence. “
I liked it. It’s a quick read at only 60 pages. Not that i think it’s some prophecy, but thought it was interesting if your into fiction and politics.
“In his third novel, “1900; Or, The Last President,” things link eerily to the present day. The story begins with a scene from a panicked New York City in early November. It describes a “state of uproar” after an election in which an enormously opposed outsider is granted power. An outsider candidate. Sound familiar? After the chaotic scene in NYC, we find out that the man who won the presidency is extremely wealthy and resides on 5th avenue. In case you did not know, the Trump Tower resides on 5th avenue. As crazy as this sounds, once Lockwood’s character becomes president, he began choosing people for his cabinet. One of the first people he picked was a man named Lafe Pence. “
Wasn't the presidents name in the book Bryan or something? Lol.
Yeah, his name is Bryan. Here is link if anyones interested: https://archive.org/details/1900orlastpresid00lock/page/n7/mode/2up