I'm sure a copy of it is floating around somewhere on the dark web. Once something is uploaded to the internet, it's there forever. No luck on my end but then again I wouldn't know how to protect myself on the DW so not guna risk it.
The only video I did see is the alleged video of john podesta torturing a kid. No need to go to the DW for that, google(or duckduckgo) "worldcorp fatherhood 2". video quality is trash but the audio is clear. Then go listen to a clip of john podesta speaking and it honestly sounds like him.
I'm sure a copy of it is floating around somewhere on the dark web. Once something is uploaded to the internet, it's there forever. No luck on my end but then again I wouldn't know how to protect myself on the DW so not guna risk it.
The only video I did see is the alleged video of john podesta torturing a kid. No need to go to the DW for that, google(or duckduckgo) "worldcorp fatherhood 2". video quality is trash but the audio is clear. Then go listen to a clip of john podesta speaking and it honestly sounds like him.