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A missile would leave a contrail like this up at altitude...
A missile would have done more damage, a missile would have to have been fired from an aircraft or somewhere no one would be the wiser...and all of us can see the radar that morning because every aircraft must be ads-b equipped in that airspace ...Did ATC report any unidentified aircraft?
The missile theory can be deboonked 10 ways from Sunday, the DEW theory however...That gives the culprits the ability to carry out this attack with little damage yet great well as very little evidence...We are most likely witnessing the start of WWIII but I believe some want to keep this hush hush as we do not want an all out full scale battle...Everyone loses at that point...
If that streak in the Nashville video had anything to do with this incident it was not a missile. People have not been paying attention to China at all....
That trail everyone is seeing is most likely the superheating of the air, think microwave or the aftermath of a lightning bolt...
Something similar to what many think was going on in this video...
I am just presenting this to you, you do your own research. If all you find is China's little fire starter DEW gun you are not looking deep enough and letting them distract you from the real technology these people have...Dig.
Missiles? Really?? That is insane.
You be the judge. The fact that the Pentagon now confirms that other countries have the use of these weapons in space, the creation of the Space Force, the fact that Trump has not spoken about this incident since it happened and many other factors lend this theory some credibility.
I noticed the contrail/superheated air and posted a “question” topic about the day this occurred. A fellow Pede sent an article about these new weapons. Great article to read and scary too. Thank you for your post