Terramar Project: what Maxwell is about?
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The TerraMar Project is a non-profit organization that Ghislaine Maxwell created in 2012. Jeffrey Epstein and various other high profile financiers have funded the company. The company described itself as an ocean conservation group, but it closed in 2019 due to sex trafficking crimes stemming from Epstein’s arrest. It wasn’t until six days after Jeffrey Epstein was taken into custody that the company announced its final closure.
Not validated... but in some Q circles it's possible/some anons think or thought that it's what Q meant in his posts about "watch the water" - Q post 765, 02/15/18: "Watch the water. Q" and then the next month, Q post 847, 03/06/18: "WATCH the water. Q". Not much of a stretch to think it could have been pointing toward Maxwell and her TerraMar ocean community activities. Q's posts were made before TerraMar announced it's closure.
Interesting factoid... in her court testimony she is asked about citizenship. She says, US, UK and TerraMar. TerraMar is defunct, however she spoke widely and was invited to the UN to speak a lot - like 7-10 times or something.
Here's a short video about TerraMar from 2014: G. Maxwell talks about creating a "global ocean community,"
Throwing this in too because The Clintons/Clinton Foundation & Rothchilds are Q topics: Nov 2020: Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein’s “TerraMar” organization linked to the Clintons and Rothschilds
Haven't had enough covfefe so it may skip around a bit. Anybody else got anything else to share? Always interested.
Added in Edit: Sorry I didn't click your vid before replying. I've seen the Mouthy Buddha vid... his focus is pedos.