Please hear me out. I really, REALLY want Q to be true, all of it, so much that this place is where I spend half my day, this is what gives me hope for my/our life. I’ve been studying this for 10 years and it’s unbelievable to me that there is even a chance to get rid of these evil scum. So as you can see I’m not a shill, and I don’t mean to sound as a doomer but the following links have me really worried that Trump is really not who we think/hope we are but is only another instrument of the powers that be who pull the strings. I fear all of this is just to provoke a civil war/world war and one way or another in the end this will result in achieving their fucking new world order (we will even cheer for it after this clown world they built using the good old “problem-reaction-solution” style). Please study the below links and explain Trump’s connection to the Clintons, Epstein etc. in the past. His freemason symbols and hand gestures. These all have me really worried.
I know exactly what you mean and I've had the same concerns. Many here don't really get it.
I'm not going to say I'm 100% certain that Trump isn't a double agent. But one thing that sticks with me, is that all of this would seem kind of unnecessary. I mean, if he's deep state controlled why not just let Hillary win in that case? Nobody would have been surprised by it (in fact, I was way more surprised that Trump won). The apple cart could've just kept rolling along. The US economy would have epically collapsed quite soon. 90% or more of the population would still be complete sheep. She could've kept the immigration train rolling, new world order could've rolled right in. Honestly, just keeping Hillary in power would have been clearly enough.
So why go through all this trouble to install Trump, build a huge following of pro-America people, have at least an extra few million aware of things like "the deep state cabal," etc?
Is it just a gigantic, bombastic, once-in-a-millenia shaming ritual? They did all of this just to REALLY rub it in, completely fuck us mentally to the point we curl up in a ball and cry until the end of time?
If the deep state is that much in control, that far ahead of the game, and that powerful to simply make a power move like that.... it's almost like at that point, hey, hats off to them. The fuckers got us. And if that turns out to be the case, we still do have millions of pissed off American's that can fight back without Trump.
So all this to say, I think you've got a critical thinking, intelligent, but perhaps slightly paranoid personality similar to me. To me, it comes from the weed. The weed gives me very sharp insights, but usually makes me anxious and paranoid, and also I tend to see the "worst case scenario" with weed. Sometimes that plays to my benefit, other times it just turns me into a ball of nervous jelly. Not sure if any of this paragraph applies to you, but if so, trust me you're not the only one.
End of the day to summarize... the deep state had the game won. All they had to do was dribble out the clock with Hillary. There was no resistance coming, you and I both know that. We were fucked. If Trump is under their control, it would be an extremely unnecessary and strange risk to take, and I can't see what benefit they'd be getting out of it besides going out of their way to shame us. They've already shamed us, badly, for decades. So, if I had to bet, I'd bet that Trump is his own man, Q is legit, and the only question is- will it be enough.
Thank you, I really appreciate your post. "So all this to say, I think you've got a critical thinking, intelligent, but perhaps slightly paranoid personality similar to me..." This is 100% correct about me as well.
You're welcome fren. I've been exactly where you were many times in life over many different reasons, lol. It can sometimes be a curse to see so many possibilities and to pour so deeply over the details.