Lin Wood throws my head for a spin. What is his role here? What part is he playing?
He throws out accusations like they are going out of style. He's not the first person to do that - we have a good number of well-known people who do that now and then, but in Wood's case, he is a lawyer deeply and thoroughly versed in defamation law. How does he throw these accusations out and get away with doing it?
He's a recent convert to God and Trumpism. Apparently, Lin had a conversion experience some years ago. He's been married several times, was a democrat supporter in the past, and has the image of a lawyer in the not-so-wonderful sense the word is used in these days. But now he constantly refers to scripture, faith in God and Christ, and supports DJ Trump fiercely. Is he just running his mouth off, like a zealot, driven by emotion and passion as is somewhat typical of those who find their faith later in life after a life they now feel was deeply wrong?
I suspect that Wood emerged on many patriots screens thru his representation of Nick Sandyman vs CNN NYT etc. At least, that's true for me. Then in the wake of Nov 3 frauds, he rose to greater prominence by championing the patriotic cause in Georgia, together with champions like Powell, Giuliani, etc.
But as things moved along, he shifted from simply challenging Georgia fraud to challenging corruption in Georgia behind the fraud, to challenging the Supreme court, then just about anyone or everyone: accusing Dan Crenshaw, Pence, Roberts - anyone who seems to be contradicting Lin appears to become a target of accusation!
In this process, Lin is dropping explosives: Roberts and the adoption thing, now Epstein alive???!
This is strange behavior for a lawyer to say the least.
Which begs the question: Is Woods being provided with information to use against the Deep State, or where is he digging this up? If provided, by who?
Also: Is he running this (information war) 'campaign' on his own cognizances? Or is he working in a loose confederacy with others like Powell, Giuliani, the White House? Or is he part of a deeper operation - coordination?
If the latter, what is his role? To discombobulate? To harass the enemy into a state of confusion, agitation, distraction? Or to be the conduit for releasing information bombs as a source that is better situated than others?
Or is Wood just a wild card, out of control?
I conclude by saying that I think the answer to these questions are not obvious. He's certainly becoming lightning rod, and is empowering a lot of patriots with morale. But beyond that, it's hard for me to decipher anything more.
Saw a tweet somewhere about the Liberals going crazy trying to fact check Woods, which made me smile, because they LOVE to 'fact check' stuff in order to divert attention away from the truth. But if Woods is saying stuff based on factual evidence that he holds, well, fact checking might only undo the Deep State lies even more.
How to analyze and make clear sense out of Wood's behavior and 'role' at the moment?
Like so many others, I'm just a digital militia in the woods, shooting off at a few redcoats as they appear, trying to lay my own role in service of the Great Awakening Information War, as I trust my generals and pray to God for guidance and strength.
He is Powell's lawyer. He is tagged with Flynn, Byrne, etc. They have all been playing individual parts of a larger orchestra.
He is playing a specific role. Right now to cause fear, panic, and mistakes on the other side.
My bet, everything he is saying is true info obtained through NSA spying capabilities, He makes bold claims, but also oddly specific ones (Mark Meadows having an affair?) We will find out soon enough.
Roger that assessment