I have heard several calls here (and elsewhere) for the Right to form a third party, since the GOP seems to have failed us in their feeble opposition to the Progressives. Let me offer another view.
Third parties have had a rocky road in America and few survive past their first election. It would be far easier, cheaper, and efficient to simply TAKE OVER an existing party. After all, that's what the Progressives did to the Demwit Party.... my mother who was a life-long Democrat back in the last century would not recognize her party today and would run screaming from it.
Another example: When the revolution started in Russia in 1917, it wasn't a Communist revolution at all, but the Communists saw a great opportunity.... the peasant classes were numerous, the instigators had done the hard work and organizing the rising tide of revolutionaries, so rather than start their own party, they simply infiltrated the existing one and within a very short time they commandeered the revolution as their own.
We have the numbers, we have the personal wealth, we have the motivation. Starting in 2021, let's just do an all-out effort to take over the party, use the mid-terms to get rid of as many RINOs as we can, and "encourage" those remaining that they should just move along, we have no use for them.
And who is the one person who could lead that effort over the next 4 years?
Well said, TNBanjoMan! That's a smarter way to take power away from the RINOs. They've reared their ugly heads with the stimulus pork bill and their pitiful non-support of their party's leader, the Beloved, the Anointed, the Fearsome, the Street-Fighting President, MY President, Donald J. Trump. (Take heart, Patriots, God wins.)
Banjo man has a point: We are a republic. We know that democracy always devolves into tyranny, and have seen that during this whole year. The republic is a better form of government, and if we can identify the RINOS, and vote them out as soon as their terms are finished, replacing them with patriots, we will be in terrific shape. Besides, we don't yet know how many people in Congress will be removed for their treasonous activities. Perhaps only patriots will remain!! So, if we just keep going as Republicans, we show support for out republic, as we should, and we see the mob Democrat party wither away and die. Just like Marx envisioned the state withering and dying. But he missed the boat on that one!!
The risk of infiltration and takeover will always be present. Who watches the watchmen? What happens if Space Force gets infiltrated and taken over? SOCOM? What happens if the NSA gets subverted? What happens if there is some anti-Q or an anti-Trump? Some 150 IQ genius that wants to destroy America and takeover the world? What happens if anti-Christ?
The only surefire protection is God and His Son Jesus Christ.
Lets be brutally honest, America does NOT deserve any salvation or any reprieve. What does a nation that murdered 60 million babies deserve? What did the Aztecs deserve? What did the Nazis deserve? What did Israel, who offered sacrifices to molech, deserve? Only by giving up our sin and doing penance and being faithful to God will he protect us from such evil and subversion.
Well, I don't personally believe in "collective guilt" so if anyone deserves divine punishment, it's the people DIRECTLY involved in the abortion and fetuses-for-dollars industry. The idea of America is still a valid one, one worth saving. Do we have bad actors? YES WE DO! Until now we moral citizens have had very little to say about the Left's depredations.... turns out for some odd reason, killing a few abortionists is (GASP!!) highly illegal and will get you some jail time. But a day is coming when these people will be hunted down. Coming soon to a neighborhood near you.
I believe if we see evil and do not call it out, we share the blame for what you are terming "collective guilt."
All of us are sinners and are all guilty. Some of us just have a lawyer in Yeshua (many know him as Jesus) when we answer for our sins to God on Judgement Day.
The thing with public sins, including abortion, porn, and gay marriage, is that the public and collective whole must be punished. I'm sure there were righteous people in Israel or in the Aztec empire that did not condone such abominations, yet that did not save them from the Babylonians or the Spanish.
No do away with it all together.