I believe a lot of people have been awakened recently, some are still in the awakening process. I can definitely see the current monetary situation being the largest vehicle of mass Awakening! IE Collapse of the dollar.
I've been taking a little here and there and buying stuff to put back and prep a little. I've also started buying Silver coins here and there, as basically a small hedge against everything I earn being constantly devalued by a corrupt money scheme that makes every dollar I save worth less everyday I don't spend it!
Now, I'm a complete ignorant on E-Currencys and I'm thinking of investing in one or more, but doing any research into these currencies seems to turn up massive ammounts of contridictory information, as well as tons of scams and horror stories. I just want a way to save money I earn everyday with hard work and not have that money constantly lose value and buying power. I mean WTF?
Things I've done to keep my money's worth of value.
Guns. I can always sell one for same price or more than I paid down the road when times get hard.BUT I DON'T WANT TO SELL THEM EVER ??
Invested in reloading equipment and materials a few years back. That has a huge value.. At today's going rates, reloading is basically printing money. BUT I DON'T WANT TO SELL MY AMMO EVER??
Small amounts of silver. BUT I DON'T WANT TO SELL IT EVER??
Any of you guys here have advice on some way to invest my dollars into something that won't be constantly devalued, is also readily accessible, and isn't so risky "e-currency" that I feel like I'm gabling?
Maybe buy something cheaper to start and work your way up to the 200k price point. That way your money is tied up in something tangible and not losing value sitting in a bank.