@PatrickByrne suggest Seth Rich was murdered primarily because he had knowledge of how Dominion software was used to rig nomination to Hillary over Bernie
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(And Attorney Sydney Powell in her elevator pitch for the Supreme Court mentions that they have evidence of how in California Dominion software was used to alter outcome to favor Hillary over Bernie - is maybe what @PatrickByrne is alluding to)
I remember reading everything you said too back at that time. It all makes sense now.
yep - makes sense
If only Julian Assange could talk......hmmm.
I can believe the Bern would beat the wicked witch in an honest primary. His supporters had more energy than hers.
Interesting mistype by Patrick: "I am was going rogue." Take out the word "was" and you've just got, "I am going rogue."
One would expect:
to have instead been:
I think the "I am" is due to some shitty helpful auto-correction software that changed the intended "and" to "I am"
I get incredibly dumb-ass *helpful corrections" like that all the time from portable devices that have soft keyboard input; the auto-correction software is the shittiest computer software ever foisted on computing device users
Good possibility.
He is almost certainly using voice-to-text software. That's why it also spells out the word period
I know and we worry about AI. I guess no one remembers that AI has to be programmed by, wait for it, humans.
Not anymore.
No sauce, is speculation - is why I through in the comment about Sydney Powell's remark per her elevator pitch interview response (mentioning having evidence of Dominion being used to insure Hillary defeated Bernie) as a kind of corroboration of the plausibility
Somebody else dropped a comment about seeing a posting by Seth Rich's girl friend that he had info on how Hillary stole nomination from Bernie - look around for that.
Makes a hell of a lot of sense that that was the real meat that Seth had on DNC and Hillary