Has anyone checked the personal wealth of federal judges compared to their salaries?
Has anybody checked the personal wealth of federal judges compared their salaries?
The Trump developing Gaza into a new resort property are actually anti-Trump memes I have seen on European meme boards.
Psalm 1:6 - for the LORD knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish. https://www.bible.com/bible/59/psa.1.6
I haven’t watched an NFL game in 7 years. I will be watching the Super Bowl tomorrow because POTUS will be there and Elon bought some commercial time. Since I have a DVR, I will really just record it and watch any interview that POTUS might give catch Elon’s commercials. F*ck the game.
We all have a soul. Theirs will be experiencing a Lake of Fire 🔥 in the next life.
Not the point.
The answer to the title question is, YES.
The Constitution began to be violated on a larger scale during the FDR years. In 1948, a very good book, The Roosevelt Myth, came out exposing how FDR made everything worse. It’s a good resource to have on hand. https://www.amazon.com/Roosevelt-Myth-50th-Anniversary/dp/0930073274
Just the beginning.
Cancel culture needs to be ended once and for all.
This will not survive appeal or SCOTUS. Also, who filed the complaint in this court and how did it get fast-tracked?
He has to look upward to avoid seeing that ugliness. Nurse, eye bleach, stat!
Because 99.99% of the Hollyweird community are sick perverts who go with any facet of the globalist agenda.
Might as well strip the security clearance of every elected or appointed democrat of the last 50 years.
I’m watching an NFL game for the first time in 7 years only because POTUS is going to be there and Elon bought some ad time. I’m betting that a 30-second Elon commercial drops some red pills.
This includes federal courthouses unless they’re indicted.
When your fantasy world dissolves into reality.
Also, arrest those drivers who drove over the pride flag. /s
Throw that in your song, ladies.
Treason to whoever is issuing these payments.
This is the beginning of the storm. The barometric pressure is beginning to drop.
Yes, and Pam should prosecute them.