I didn't get the thought that God was "a bad person" list ing to it. More of a God establishes Moral law and it comes from Him. It sounded more Anarchist to me. Don't know the guy who produced it . Also basing that our Founders based their Constitution on Natural Law and John Locke.Looking at it from that perspective not the religious one but point well made. thanks
Well it’s not that the narrator was implying God was a “bad person” but if you logically follow his argument, anybody who believes in government is a “bad person”. Obviously he sounds like an anarchist. But the Bible clearly states
“ Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.”
Interesting video. I’ve never heard of the guy either.
I drew on the Natural Law and John Locke perspective and the founders ideas in the Federalist Papers. But the Anarchist part was definitely prevalent . can't say id follow him but he gave an interesting voice to the matter.
Agreed! If you believe in the US Constitution and our way of life as we know it, we should be united in our efforts to keep our constitutional republic. Be well patriot!
I didn't get the thought that God was "a bad person" list ing to it. More of a God establishes Moral law and it comes from Him. It sounded more Anarchist to me. Don't know the guy who produced it . Also basing that our Founders based their Constitution on Natural Law and John Locke.Looking at it from that perspective not the religious one but point well made. thanks
Well it’s not that the narrator was implying God was a “bad person” but if you logically follow his argument, anybody who believes in government is a “bad person”. Obviously he sounds like an anarchist. But the Bible clearly states
“ Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.”
Interesting video. I’ve never heard of the guy either.
I drew on the Natural Law and John Locke perspective and the founders ideas in the Federalist Papers. But the Anarchist part was definitely prevalent . can't say id follow him but he gave an interesting voice to the matter.
Agreed! If you believe in the US Constitution and our way of life as we know it, we should be united in our efforts to keep our constitutional republic. Be well patriot!
Same to you Patriot .