posted ago by shadoweyes ago by shadoweyes +31 / -1

Did I little digging since Lin Wood called out Pence as a traitor, found this video: https://youtu.be/A3p5MK08tU4 Makes sense, although much more intense than I had speculated. YouTube description: "Published on 22 Feb 2016 Child Rapist Mike Pence continues to rape and murder children. He has raped 81 boys and 55 girls. He murdered the 29 children by choking them to death while raping them. This is why he is such a big hero to Indiana Republicans. He has recruited over 100 men into the Indiana Child Trafficking Operation in Indianapolis. 36 State Senators are raping and murdering by his side. He has been given huge sums of money for his participating in three war crimes. He has 16 bank accounts totalling just under $42 million. These figures are available from the Hall of Justice and are of 22 February 2016. One of the children Pence murdered during rape was a 7 year old boy named Scott. This child was abducted 17 miles from Aurora, Colorado, and then brought to Indiana. He was gang raped 108 times by Pence and 41 other Indiana men, Att. Gen Greg Zoeller, many State Senators and politicians, Policemen, and corporate Executives, and CIA. Pence choked the boy to death during forced sodomy, and Scott died just before Pence ejaculated into this body. Only a few, a handful of children have ever left MILABS alive, but they were all killed shortly after. The Indianapolis Child Trafficking Operation, owned by Republicans, has been in operation for 27 years. Over 12,500+ children have been gang raped and murdered there in Luciferian/Satanist Human sacrifices."