If Biden was arrested in Washington while the world is focusing on the Electoral College counts.... The lying media would have all cameras on the evidence so they couldn't deny it.... I'm very intrigued. Could explain Trump's confidence....why he told his staff to stop packing and why the liberal communist victory lap bleechers are being disassembled....
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I will say this one more time. Unless Trump has found a way the main stream media will cut out on any evidence that shows they cheated. They will not show the public that. Do you guys not realize that yet.
CNN (I assume) and OANN (confirmed) will both run live uninterrupted coverage of the reading of the votes on Wed. I know lefties don't watch OANN but they might watch CNN.
Plus, once the cork is popped and the big evidence starts to pour out, they will likely shut down the airwaves and internet and use the emergency alert system to tell the public where to tune in.
Trump TV? Ha. Can't wait. Nationwide red pill.
I wouldn't assume that about CNN, I bet they will cut away whenever they feel like it