Creating holidays is way different than having a muslim only city. We have holidays why should they not? In Canada everyone gets p aid for our holidays including muslims. So if they make muslim holidays it is only right all Canadians get paid for those days too.
Absolutely not. If you allow them to do this it wont end there they will take the city block by block until they have it all.
Sharia law in the US are you kidding do you want young women to be stoned to death in public, to be killed if they choose their own husband, to be covered head to foot in those slave costumes.
Everyone should be fighting this to end it now.
They still have the money I honestly hope Trump freezes all their accounts all their families accounts both in the US and in their offshore illegal accounts. Let them live like so many in the world live now without anything.
Then when thats done put them in prison for their crimes. All of them. I do not want to hear Trump say well Pelosi stole taxpayer dollars which was given to other family members but we wont prosecute the family members. Put them all where they belong and take all they have away as per your executive order.
Even the real elderly had a 95% chance of survival. It was mostly those who are already sick to start with and have a lot of underlying illnesses. Babies still had a 99% chance of living and they have no immune system yet.
My mother died of bone cancer that was back in the 90s. They gave her so much radiation she died within 3 months. They said then there was no cure for bone cancer. I can tell you what is never a cure for any kind of cancer, that is Chemo or radiation. Those are not cures those are what kill you.
I agree with Hochul they mean nothing. They will just pay with tax payer dollars when they lose.
There should not be lawsuits there should be charges.
Why is this not done they are obstructing justice and that is a serious federal charge. Start charging them please.
I doubt it was 80. Did you not catch the fact that their raids are being leaked which sets them up for ambush. You wont see that until they get the FBI agents doing the leaking. My guess is they are taking out thousands. Its truly amazing people think you can get rid of millions of illegals in a couple days.
They are being warned that ice is coming, people and politicians are hiding them. WTH do you expect.
To stop that they need to put people in friggen jail once they jail a few the rest will fall in line. I just dont understand why they have not jailed them. There is a ton of reasons to put these people in jail but none are there yet. Do it and it all fixes itself.
The oil and natural gas in Alberta belongs to Canada not Alberta. So an absolute NO you either take us all or none.
By the way I live in Ontario and we are not an asylum thanks. I know many people here that would vote for Trump.
Most of your liberals are in the city of Toronto so if you want to exclude someone exclude them. Even in Toronto you will still find quite a few conservatives although the liberals probably a bit more.
In the last election the liberals barely won. I am sure they didnt win because I think they cheated but the conservatives were so close it should have all been audited.
The liberals had a minority government which under normal circumstances would not be able to do a lot because of the conservative opposition. But the NDP ganged up with the liberals by combining together and giving the liberals a majority and no way to stop them. I am not sure how this could possibly be legal but I am guessing it is or the conservatives would have stopped them. So what that meant is everything the liberals wanted all NDP voted with them to give them the majority every time.
Theres nothing in our water up here we have the cleanest water in the world. We also dont have flouride like you do.
I was replying to orangetastic who is actually talking about an invasion.
But now that I think about it an invasion is probably good as long as the only people that get hurt are the government.
Apparently our RCMP are corrupt our main stream news is super corrupt and many of the Premiers of the Provinces are corrupt. I know that most of our judges are corrupt. You guys are lucky you have Trump but we dont what ever gets done here has to be by the people no one is fighting for us.
So mayby an invasion is the answer.
Yes most of our goods come from the US which makes sense you are next door. Why would you want to bring goods from China which is what Trudeau will do. That way they can make sure they poison us all.
China has nothing but crap and its a long way to travel which would mean the prices will be out of this world.
The point being Trudeau does not care if he destroys us, he has already done quite a good job of that.
What about an executive order removing funding to hospitals that will not do a heart/kidney transplant if they are not vaccinated. I would like to see that too. I am assuming hospitals do receive funding. Maybe you dont in the US I know they do in Canada.