If Biden was arrested in Washington while the world is focusing on the Electoral College counts.... The lying media would have all cameras on the evidence so they couldn't deny it.... I'm very intrigued. Could explain Trump's confidence....why he told his staff to stop packing and why the liberal communist victory lap bleechers are being disassembled....
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I'm still holding out for John Roberts - his arrest will tell us the direction we're heading for future arrests - Military Tribunals because the courts are corrupt.
Yeah, I like Roberts first also - it is good justification for declaring martial law, since the civilian legal system failed so spectacularly.
Then, immediately after that, arrest Biden... Hurry, Hurry, Hurry... Volume discounts for arresting traitors, one day only...
A Roberts arrest, while remarkable, would not directly stop Biden from getting the election. A Biden arrest, on the other hand, would end this election fiasco in style.
Biden can become president even if he's arrested?
I would think he has to be sworn in to be President. If he's arrested (before being sworn in) for something like treason or another high crime, every fence sitting politician would suddenly be on the Trump train. Same as the courts. They would de-certify the fraud state electors and Trump secures his second term.