Few weeks ago Rudy said the vote fraud is a perfect RICO case. Today DJT called Sec of State GA Raffensperger (R) and asked him to review and correct many different problems, any of which would make DJT the winner in GA. Instead Raffensperger declined and leaked the call to WOPO. The paper said DJT was begging for votes and other bullshit. Raffensperger (RINO) is now KNOWINGLY assisting with that Fraud. Totally dumb move, he could be facing an insurrection/traitor charge instead of just being stupid, I believe. DJT has hard evidence of the frauds, and it seemed to me he was giving them a last choice of "we can do this nice or we can do it the hard way". This scenario could fit with many involved in all contested States, and Jan. 6th would be a great day to hit them.. It would be a beautiful thing to see that Our Team has put together a Rico case or treason case against some of the State Government Officials. Then proceed into Durham's cases with everybody else. I would love to see these traitorous Officials perp walked as the Electoral College Vote is about to start. God Bless Patriots
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Also, it was Durham boats crossing the Delaware. Loving the movie!