posted ago by weholdthesetruths ago by weholdthesetruths +55 / -0

Dear God,

...I may not believe in You the way others do anymore, but I don't care because for me, the idea of You is enough. The power of that Idea is enough. I love Your scriptures and I love my family, and I love this nation and all that it stands for.

I haven't seen Your face, felt Your hands, or heard Your voice but I believe in You just the same. You are the Greatest within us. The Noblest. The Highest. The Kindest. The Truest. And I believe in That.

Please God, save our nation. Please, if there really are children out there being kidnapped, tortured, raped, murdered, and even eaten...help us bring justice to the monsters responsible. And let it be now.

The whole world groans under the weight of this enemy. That great whore who drinks the blood of the Saints. She was born in Babylon and carried throughout the world by the same Satanic order that sent Jesus to the cross.

Jesus, the One who said "love one another" and "do unto others as ye would have them do unto you", and "blessed are the merciful." They knew their kingdom could not stand in the light of that message...so they murdered the Messenger.

And their dominion has spread across the world, via their secret combinations, their oaths, their rituals, their cunning, their threats, their hate, and their money. They truly are, as Christ said, "children of their father the devil...filled with dead men's bones."

How long must we suffer this evil among us? Can You work a mighty miracle for us again today as in times of old? Can You send your chariots as you did for Elisha, that we might also say "There are more that be with us than be with them!"

Will you bang Your drum of truth to bring down the walls of Jericho once more, that all hidden things shall be made known and shouted from the rooftops, and that Your Spirit, the Spirit of Love and Peace, may dwell comfortably among us?

Hosanna! We have not forgotten You! You are our shield and our buckler, our might and our strength! The forces of darkness are vast but the ice upon which they stand is thin; for if the Lord be with us, who can stand against us!

Please God, if not for our sake, then for the sake of kindness. For the sake of the innocent; the children in dark places throughout this world crying out for love and tenderness who instead receive the edge of a knife!

Save our great nation, which was inspired by Love and Wisdom, so that the whole Earth may be saved. Save this city, that it may continue to be a light on a hill, a light of Justice and Mercy, of Truth, and of Peace.

Lord, I believe. Please...help thou mine unbelief.
