weholdthesetruths 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fair enough. You could also trust yourself and put the Sermon on the Mount to the test and see if you think the words are wise and true or not, rather than let it rest and fall on some notion of authority or lack thereof, but whatever you think is best.

weholdthesetruths 1 point ago +1 / -0

RFK Jr. is on our side. They will fight to keep him from getting elected as much on their ticket as they will Trump on ours. Not so much as a whisper of getting behind him at this point. He's just as pissed about them murdering his father and JFK Jr. was for them murdering his own. Why is this even being floated here? How can anyone watch videos of RFK Jr. at this point and still not see that he's genuine?

weholdthesetruths 4 points ago +5 / -1

More and more I think Elon will be the one to post that.

weholdthesetruths 0 points ago +3 / -3

When someone falls in love with a theory, and hears it out of their own voice enough times, it takes a lot of evidence to persuade them otherwise. The evidence FOR Elon seems insanely robust to me, but apparently some people still need more.

weholdthesetruths 6 points ago +8 / -2

For the life of me I can't fathom the constant resistance to Elon by some on this site. It was so incredibly obvious what the apex of the leftist world was, and it was right before Elon bought Twitter. The pendulum instantly stopped its upward trajectory at that moment. It was the most devastating loss I had seen the left suffer since Trump won in 2016. It was THE moment you could feel the momentum shift in the favor of truth and sanity, and we've been careening in the other direction every since. I couldn't care less what Elon used to be, who his mother was, anything. The guy is playing for the right team, and it's obvious that Trump set him up to do so just days after he took office. The plan was clearly always to make Tesla so profitable and Elon so rich that he could make this move when he did, how he did. It was a mountain of a miracle at the time and it was essential to waking up the masses and us winning this war. I would stick Elon up on Rushmore with Trump at this point. Well...and Tom Brady.

weholdthesetruths -1 points ago +2 / -3

You're being downvoted because there are certain Christians who hate the idea that any prophecy they've been waiting for has already been fulfilled. Try telling them they've already been fulfilled 100 times throughout history and that the Bible is actually just a psychological drama and that the prophecies keep getting played out in a million ways because imagination is the moving cause of everything in this world and watch their heads explode.

weholdthesetruths 4 points ago +4 / -0

I could have sworn I heard a report a few days ago that it's already too late to add anyone new to the ballot in like 12 states, unless a nominee dies; that even if Joe stepped down it wouldn't matter, as the new person couldn't be added to the ballot in those states unless he died first.

Anybody else here this and is there any truth to it?

weholdthesetruths 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not sure I'd call faking someone's death "evil" but I get what you're saying and I'm generally fine with it. But if it's the fake left jab to deliver the knockout right hook to the deep state I'm also fine with that. That said, I doubt this was staged. It really looks to me like a failed attempt by the secret service to murder Trump. But it still just happened a few days ago and I'm still waiting for the best theories with the most evidence to float to the top before I get all the way behind it.

weholdthesetruths 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's not about whether I'm smart or not. It's about hearing people out and not jumping to conclusions the second we see something on tv. If you have concerns like the ones you just expressed, great. Voice them. But if I've learned anything since Trump took office it's to be wary of taking hard stances on anything right out of the gate. It's one thing to say "I'm not convinced of that and here's why" and "Oh come on, you're smarter than that!" Especially to someone like myself who HASN'T taken a hard stance on the subject yet and frankly, leans your way on the topic.

weholdthesetruths 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not against what you're saying per se, but you also kind of sound like an old football coach who refused to do trick plays for the same reason. Moves and countermoves. Appear weak when you're strong. Sun Tzu and all that jazz. We're fighting an irregular war against baby eating psychopaths. Subterfuge wins wars. We don't line up on battlefields with our muskets anymore and pray that God winks our way that day.

weholdthesetruths 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm with you. I can't believe how quickly people here still get married to a narrative. You know how much pushback some of us got for daring to question the Ashley Babbit narrative? It was SO clearly staged it's not even funny, but they had latched onto it as something they thought could help us politically in the short term and they never stopped to ask questions. But people are coming along and I'm still encouraged by that.

weholdthesetruths 4 points ago +4 / -0

Does anybody confidently think that, or are they just open to it, like they should be?

weholdthesetruths 3 points ago +3 / -0

You seen the brain matter? Or just someone saying he saw brain matter? Maybe a crisis actor. Maybe not. But when we're theorizing and you're not taking that possibility into account, how thorough are you being in your reasoning?

weholdthesetruths 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm open to this. The downvotes on a site like this confuse me. When will we learn to stop falling in love with any story/narrative we see on the news, no matter the nature? I find the movie very interested right now, I don't know how much of it is staged and by whom, but I'm open to all of it at this point.

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