Maybe such a video exists, but I've missed it. I love the "Q Plan to save the world", but we need something more subtle for the never-Trumpers...
We need a video that starts in to identify foreign conflict, 9/11 and other "terror acts", human trafficking, government spending, uniparty government, political activists rioting, etc over the last 25-30 years.
"Where did we lose our grandparents America?"
Make it appear to draw doubts on Clinton/Bush/Obama/Trump; then shift to highlight resolution in foreign conflict, point at advancements made under Trump Admin without giving him any credit. Shine light on the foreign peace deals, pedo-ring busts, etc without time stamping them under this Administration... There are too many normies that hate Trump and Q, because they've been brainwashed. They simply won't watch a pro-Trump video. Within the next month, I believe normies will discover life as they knew it has been a lie. It will be up to us to piece reality together for them subtly, we will have to mend broken hearts. I'm not a fucking therapist, wouldn't a 5-8 min video of where we went wrong and how the world was saved by Trump, military intelligence, and patriots be the most pleasant way to redpill those that need coddled, when the timing is right? Just save the redpilling for the end, no spoilers.
I'm no video editor, but I could assist in ripping clips as I'm sure many would, if anyone with mad skills is interested in making this a team effort?
BTW I'm open for other suggestions as well as willing to go hands off and let someone else run with it.
EDIT: Maybe drop in some images of Hollywood and Musical icons that have suicided prior to becoming human trafficking activists, without implying "conspiracies", just subtly make mention of the link between suspicious suicide and advocating against pedophilia.
I agree on Catherine videos, but it takes a lunatic like us to sit through it.
I'm looking for a highlight reel, short enough to keep them engaged, punched full of facts.
I agree re: long videos. I'm not a video person AT ALL, so it has to be meaty for me to recommend one. The ones that really kill me are the 2+ hour ones - like who has time to listen to those?
A highlight reel is a NECESSITY, and I haven't seen anything like that. No more than 30" max, ideally 15-20." No "divisive" approach - just plain facts with an accompanying "resource" section for those who want to learn more.
What you're suggesting is exactly the way we need to go - getting "normies" up-to-speed on basics without adding too much "crazy" For example, (and, please, I mean no offense) a normie might go to a site with some really great information, but if the first thing they see in the sidebar is "The Queen is a reptilian" they're probably going to disregard a lot of that good information. By the same token, we risk alienating people when they go to a site and the first thing they see is posts about N------- and J----.
I'd like to see a goal-oriented site for Patriot activism, too. If anyone's interested in working on something like that, let's talk.
What about doing something like "2020" 20 points in 20 minutes? Or something around common sense - for example:
Remember the great list of everywhere we need to show IDs - except to vote? Or
If the world isn't run by satanists why do so many logos reference it? Or
Do the math - how does a Congressional member earn who earns $174,000/year, end up with a net worth of 20 million after 12 years? Or
How is Covid worse than the flu when flu deaths in 2018 were higher than Covid deaths in 2020? Why is Covid more infectious after 10pm? Or
Why are school systems pushing for in-school medical/psychological faciliies? How can your 12 year-old child consent to vaccines/STD treatment without your permission OR your knowledge? OR
How can you have control over your money when you can't hold it in your hand?
I'm sure other Pats here could come up with much better examples - but the bottom line is that much of their propaganda (like claiming no election fraud when suitcases of ballots are hidden under tables) goes against all common-sense reasoning - and presenting this in a blatant visual way could be very powerful.