There was alot of chaos today but the thing that stood out to me was 1 person got shot 1 time. Its weird to me that only one round got fired. All the supposed chaos from the capital being stormed and one round fired. Mass amount of people freely walking inside chamber. Military comes in and in crazy fast amount of time we r back on with debates.
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I saw a post of a medical professional on Twitter about her. He/she said a patient would never be intubated and 'bagged' like she was with her head flopped to the side. There would be danger to her airway, and possibility of the tube going down into only one lung. Before a patient is intubated they always put cushions on either side of the head, and strap the head down.
The fake news is reporting that 4 people got shot and killed at the Capitol today.
Really? CNN? MSNBC?