18th Airborne Announced a new Podcast
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Thinking Aloud:
Trump did not concede. He mentioned a transition but nothing about Biden or Democrats. He did mention a big journey ahead.
If we are moving backwards up the RED drops, the Castle Rock and USSS are before the countdown. Trump allegedly tweeted from the WH after Kayleigh’s hostage speech. Whether or not he’s there is irrelevant. Nobody knows where he is and that’s necessary. Is Pence there? What’s going on with putting Pelosi on hold then refusing her call?
What if the WH and Secret Service have been secured and now the plan starts. SecDef Miller, what’s he up to? Why do you think he said he negotiated with Pence, Pelosi, and Schumer about NG, then Trump’s speech just said he deployed them? Power struggle? Did Miller just show the world they had already (attempted to) oust President Trump in a coup? Doesn’t matter if Trump is there, the building and team are secured. What if the USSS line refers to their teams securing their high value targets they are assigned to?
Nat Mil Comm Center was established last night in that Night76 Doomsday plane in TX. It is a command center. Doesn’t have to be parked, and POTUS will be in the air for the kick off.
Look at the 18th Airborne Twitter. They mention the 10th Mountain Division providing the high quality of life the People deserve. Capital P.
CLAS movement Pelosi or Pence. They were both moved last night prior to the treason. And somebody got moved out of the Capitol in a motorcade last night. Again, where is Pence?
Comms blackout. Already started. Got any feeds or live-streams out of DC? Mass social media bans of conservatives? Finding news streams with comments turned off? Why the reminder about the emergency broadcast system? They don’t have to stop the STREAM. They have to stop the SIGNAL.
Finally Trump Twitter removal. They’ll do it again. We don’t know how or why he suddenly posted that video. It’s not what they are claiming it is. I wonder if white hats recorded it in secure site, added a backdrop and a weird 17 second cutaway, and posted the video.
The one certainty now: a coup was performed last night. The cabal seems to be in control at a cursory glance, but I’ve never seen a winning team run such a desperate Hail Mary defense.
I'm so excited! I'm relatively new to the Q stuff but all the boxes are being checked for the big plan. ???? The military option is looking very real and I believe we're in good hands. I started my day very down but the more I've seen today the more I believe Trump and patriots in the military and intelligence community have us covered. I'm parking my butt right here and staying away TDW cuz they're dooming like crazy and being retarded.