posted ago by dtm123 ago by dtm123 +19 / -0

TD.WIN being brigaded with doomers is understandable right now. I like the vibes here and how reassuring and calm everyone is but I do have a question that I dont want to be confused with dooming. It's obvious Q are people close to Trump and there is plenty or things I don't consider coincidences but can someone break down what is supposed to come from all this Q stuff? As we get closer to inauguration day I just wonder what can we expect to realistically happen with the courts refusing to see evidence as well as most it not all major government agency's refusing to acknowledge or investigate fraud including the supreme court. Now after the protest on the 6th all Trump supporters are being painted as terrorists and they're going all in on blaming it on Trump. I will stay optimistic until the end but can someone break it down for me who has been around here longer? Thanks!