Sci-Fi Author, Arthur C. Clarke once said, "Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
I present to you, Two Possibilities Exist:
1 -- The Q Movement is, and always has been a huge pysop.
2 -- The Q Movement is, and always has been real, and we're about to witness literal earth shattering history be made.
I'm choosing to believe the latter. To doomer, and non-belivers I say unto you, really at this point, what do you have to lose? Either we're right and everything changes or we're wrong, and nothing changes. Nothing ever mattered from the start.
Frankly until Biden or Trump is sworn in on the 20th, it's not over!
Keep in mind the words 'I concede', 'Congratulations to Joe Biden (and/or) to the Biden Harris Administration', nor 'Transfer of power to the Biden/Harris Administration' HAVE NOT BEEN SPOKEN NOR HAVE THEY BEEN FORMALLY WRITTEN!!
Trump has not conceded! It's not over. Q said it best, there are no coincidences.
Hold the line.
It is the nature of America to dig in and keep fighting until the bitter end. Our Founding Fathers knew this, even with insurmountable odds, they pressed on, knowing it was better to perish fighting and taking a stand, than to live on ones knees.
I ask say unto you, dig in and hold the line! Does it feel like it's over? Because it damn sure doesn't feel like it to me.
Gread post. Words are important. Lin woods tweet from lastnight makes sense after today when be said "listen to Trump carefully when he speaks"
"misinformation is necessary." - That's what I've been thinking too. Can't expose your moves anymore. Another "chess move" is what it is (latest Trump vid).
This is true. All i keep thinkin is how do you move stealthily if u post all ur moves online for the world to see. I imagine some staight ninja shit is going on now behind the scenes.