posted ago by RichyT ago by RichyT +45 / -0

Well it has been a tough day for us, but a tough 4 years for DJT. He has done so very much for all of US and the DS tried to remove him every single day since he announced his run. We Now Know Who the swamp hides, and it looks like they have had a lot of help from other countries, especially the CCP. Bogus claims of crimes committed by those who are in bed with the CCP. MSM is still hacking away at him. Almost every entity in DC was against him. WE WERE AND STILL ARE WITH HIM! He has laid out all of the information that they tried to keep quiet. THEY have just about checked off every box of the list of what is needed for Insurrection Act and the EO, It may not be used now, but there is still much more in progress legally. Doomers please suck it up and read more and type less. WWG1WGA is not just a slogan, we need to carry on what DJT has started. Stay Strong!