Now I know I fell victim to it a bit ago with the statement from POTUS but I got to thinking...earlier today on TDW I saw a post the said "are we about the see fake videos of trump and biden?" And it was a video essentially about deep fake technology.
Hear me out please, is this meant to make us accept that as a reality for the sole purpose of letting the enemy use it as THEIR excuse when the REAL evidence comes out on video?
Nothing is a coincidence, remember this...discernment always but...dear God, dont fall into their trap.
Frankly, at this stage, what does it matter?
But, seriously, I don't think it matters right now how the video was produced. Trump is probably busy at Camp David or similar place and maybe delegated the production to one of his team. The wording was perfectly ambiguous to make the sheeples think that he was conceding, while the rest of us understand that he wasn't.
Good point! I was also thinking it may have even been pre recorded. Since they knew this would happen all along...they had it ready to go when the time came. He looks a bit younger to me.