If Q was only a LARP, and the only point was to rile shit up and get attention - then wouldnt the last couple days be the ULTIMATE jerkfest jizz dream for such a person? Couldnt the Q LARPER have everyone hanging on their every word? I gave up on reading Q stuff for a while but I will be honest: I have looked a couple times lately just to see if something was there. Why if it is a LARP, would a pure attention seeker or troll or disinfo agent pass up such a golden chance if that was their motive? Yet no new posts
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Q is not a larp and no one wants to hear that. There were just way too many coincidences for Q not to be real. Including the communication cut from the President.
yep, also I've said in another posts. all the q posts I've seen are MASSIVELY random but yet specific. the best fiction writers in the world couldn't come up with this. Sometimes it's an image. sometimes its a link to a video, sometimes it's one word, sometimes its a whole list, sometimes it's a riddle, a number riddle, or times, questions to ask, people to research, sometime it's instructions. sometimes it's military commands?? and so on and on.
That alone grabs my attention, nevermind the "coincidences" that link up with real life.
Does this all seem insane? Yes. but so does a blatantly rigged election covered up my the whole of the media, giant gaslighting campaigns and the judicial system turning an obvious blind eye with political bias.
thats really the point im making though - it points more to Q not being a LARP