Comments (13)
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.A perfect fuck off post get off the board and go back to school.
Post the name of the arrest and a little context before you expect anyone to click on your YouTube link. If it's something for fun save it for after the 20th we're busy.
At some point those 6 or 7 guys won’t be enough or even want to protect them.
What are you talking about ??
I think we are sure it won't be podesta.
Zero proof this is an arrest. The only proof we have is that Graham was getting a police escort. Nothing more, nothing less. Worth watching? Yep. Worth concluding? Nope. Those that conclude that this is an arrest are larping.
Pretty sure that's an escort lol
he was playing with his flip phone the whole time
He has much more to worry about right now than a couple Patriots yelling in his face.