13 Just a reminder all those conservative voices who were deplatformed in 2017 have been using telegram channels for a while now. Telegram is in dubai and can't be censored by big tech. And it is fully encrypted. (telegram.org) posted 4 years ago by Normietard 4 years ago by Normietard +13 / -0 8 comments share 8 comments share save hide report block hide replies
What are some good channels to follow?
James Woods, [19.12.20 04:02] [Forwarded from Conservatives On Telegram] SHARE ‼️ ?? ‼️ SHARE ‼️ ?? ‼️ SHARE
Join these popular conservative voices on Telegram!
[DEC 18, 2020]
?? President Trump - @real_DonaldJTrump ?? RSBN - @RightSideBroadcastingNetwork ?? Candace Owens - @CandaceOwens ?? Steven Crowder - @Steven_Crowder ?? Donald Trump Jr - @TrumpJr ?? Ben Shapiro - @realBenShapiro ?? Dan Bongino - @DBongino ?? Charlie Kirk - @CharlieKirk ?? James Woods - @JamesWoodsReal ??? Benny Johnson - @Benny_Johnson ??? ALX - @ALXTheLord ?? Students For Trump - @TrumpStudents ?? PragerU - @Prager_U ?? Turning Point USA - @TPUSA ?? The Daily Wire - @realDailyWire ?? Daily Caller - @Daily_Caller ?? Breitbart - @Breitbart ??? TheBlaze - @TheBlazeTV ??? Newsmax TV - @NewsmaxTV ??? One America News Network - @OANNTV ??? NTD - @NTD_TV ?? Trump Supporters Channel - @TrumpChannel
Got a suggested telegram channel
Care to give a little more info on how to get Telegram for the not so tech savvy ppl like me..
Use your browser and go to telegram.org. You can get to Parler the same way. Don't worry about Apple and Google "apps."
Thank you!
What are good channels?
... Care to bother dropping an actual group to follow instead of just teasing it?