792 WELCOME... To every "Always felt like Q was a LARP until" poster in /NEW, we would like to say: (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by catsfive 4 years ago by catsfive +792 / -0 194 comments download share 194 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I hear this a lot about this video. I’ve been on the Q train since the week of his first posts in 2017, but I’m going to check this video out
Haha shit I've been following since first post and I've never seen this vid.
When Q posted a picture of the President exiting an aircraft, and the picture was taken from inside the aircraft, I figured the team was legit.
Which one was that? We got burned when w posted a photo of the AF1 prez desk with lamp mirrored, and shills were able to find that image from Obama's pics, made us look foolish, saying only a could have taken that pic
The DEFCON[1] posts 6 days before the Hawaii bogus nuke alert 12jan18 was quite an interesting "coincidence" too.
Great reasoning and well articulated! Gonna have to send it to a few people who still don't get it. Thanks!
I agree, the math proves it, and scary just how many people aren't able to see it.
It’s pretty compelling