posted ago by MAG768720 ago by MAG768720 +26 / -0

I will put this out there, because I think this is what will happen. Pure speculation. I have no insider info, but I do have some direct knowledge about one particular thing.

Have you ever seen the movie "V for Vendetta?" If you have, do you remember the scene where V interrupted the nation's broadcasting system, so he could run his own message to the entire country at the same time on all the TV stations?

If you have not seen it, or if you have forgotten, it is this scene:


I don't know what the next few days will bring. But I do know that his technology exists. Technology exists to override any television broadcast and replace it with something else. I am not guessing that it exists. I know it does.

I am speculating that it will be used to shut down all media across the United States, and Trump will replace it with a message directly to the people. He will explain to the people the things they need to know about. He will tell them about so many things that those in government have been doing for so many years to destroy the country. He will provide proof. He will name the traitors. He might even have some video confessions to show. No idea really what there would be, but if it goes down like this, it will be undeniable proof to anyone, no matter how much they would otherwise want to deny it. That is when the arrests begin.

Again, I do not know if this is how it will go down. I do know (for a fact) that this technology exists.

Let's see what happens.