posted ago by LucRaRnia ago by LucRaRnia +52 / -0

Lin Wood was right all along. Before the Georgia election, he says to doubt the machines because they were fraudulent. It turns out it did and it elected out the Republican (RINO) incumbents. Before the Jan 6 event, he told that Pence was a traitor and showed all his ties even before 2016. And yet he did and now he betrayed Trump. Ok, I was suspicious about his post long ago in December 10th? 14th? Where he said, patriots, store food, water, and communications because internet may fall down and the military will conduct operations to save America and bring back your country. It makes sense now as what red 2 may bring after red 1. So warning to all of you. Be safe, prepare incase things happen and be sure to Pray and read Gods word everyday.

Matthew 25:13 13 “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.

Ephesians 6:13-17 Armor of God

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans for you says the Lord